We are going to offer new services and we will work in additional areas with as underlying terms "diversification" and "legal security". Thus :
- among the new services, notably, the setting up of :
. and an Online Transaction Desk in the Ohada zone,
- and, in Ohadalegis or in additional websites :
. a Digital Economy Portal in the Ohada zone
. and an Inter-companies exchanges Desk in Ohada zone.
Online Transaction Desk in the Ohada zone.
Dispute resolution schemes outside the traditional judicial corridor are increasingly popular with economic operators and investors. However, the scheme which will be proposed is different from these schemes (arbitration, mediation) :
. faced with a risk of pre-litigation or litigation, you wish to make an informed choice to avoid directly getting into the judicial corridor : we will provide the support to enlighten your choice and make available all the necessary elements for an amicable solution which you may perfectly implement alone or otherwise as you wish,
. you want to get out of the galley of the endless judicial corridor in which you have been stuck for years, and you are ready to try to see if you can turn your head to get out of it : we will provide the support to enlighten your choice and make available all the necessary elements for an amicable solution you may also implement with various schemes.
This service will be open later this year and you will be informed.
Digital Economy Portal in the Ohada zone
Digital economy is a field attracting all kinds of interests and giving rise to a tsunami of optimistic presomptions in view of the actual possibilities it offers, but is being implemented with poorly designed or totally missing secured surroundings, as a study under way, sort of small survey of the situation in the Ohada zone, will show.
Since the legitimately expected development prospects cannot be solely based on the assumptions of such "enormous possibilities", the Portal which will be set up will aim at supporting this sector in the Ohada zone in various areas, with security for the various stakeholders and actors.
Inter-Companies Exchanges Desk in Ohada zone
According to the figures of the World Trade Organization (WTO), 15% of the world exchanges among enterprises as well as States in the world, took place in 2011 without using any national currency and according to the International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA), an international professional organization focused on corporate barter, 12 to 14 billion dollars have been exchanged this way between companies in the world in 2018 (Barter Industry By Sector - IRTA 2018).However, Africa is almost completely out of this dynamic landscape and reaps very little benefits from these schemes for various and maybe unclear reasons : lack of information in this field ? Bias on these old commercial practices considered as outdated ? Doubt on the real benefits of such exchanges? We think that it is time now to try to understand what barter in its present form is about and to see what benefits may be reaped from it.
Companies may indeed reap many benefits : optimization of their unused or outdated assets, preservation of their cash-flow, acquisition of new business partnerships etc. Some Western and Asian companies were not mistaken in this regard : they have not only use barter in difficult times, but also as a tool for their development, or to keep leadership in their field etc. Indeed, implementing exchanges schemes often leads managers to have a fresh look on their enterprise, to become more aware of some of its existing hidden or underused assets and adopt a more dynamic approach in asset management, with important benefits.
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