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Mandessi Bell Lawfirm, located in the middle of the business center in Douala, Bonanjo, is atypical and pioneer. Indeed, when it is opened in 1989, Lawyer Mandessi Bell, after a long and fruitful collaboration with one of the major Cameroonian lawfirms of the time, Tokoto et Mpay Lawfirm, makes available to the Cameroonian banking sector, to which the privileged debt collection regime of the public treasury has just been extended, a seminar for an effective implementation in their services. All the banks attend. It is a real success which validates her approach totally different from the traditional lawyers' activity of the time (and still largely now), concentrated on judicial litigation...

In addition to the seminars often organised under the heading "Formaction", Mandessi Bell Lawfirm will be involved in various fields : audit, studies, consultancy services, alone, or in collaboration with other professionals.

This pioneer approach is currently being continued progressively with the implementation projects of various online services in the Ohada zone (Online Transaction Desk, Digital Economy Portal and Online Companies exchanges Desk (additional information here).

To finalize this short presentation, two small old anecdotes illustrating this profile.

In October 2003, Mrs. Alphonsine, the Assistant, hands over to Lawyer Mandessi Bell a fax from the International Monetary Fund, for her to read. Lawyer Mandessi Bell replies that she must be mistaken because she knows nobody in the IMF, this fax must therefore be simply stored. At the insistence of Mrs. Alphonsine, Lawyer Mandessi Bell, looks at the fax including a request related to the lease file of the IMF representation in Yaounde. Honoured to have been chosen whereas the lawfirm was not even based in Yaoundé, Lawyer Mandessi Bell of course accepts this service request.

In 2004, the World Bank contacts Lawyer Mandessi Bell to explain its difficulties to find, in French-speaking African countrie,s participants for the preparation of its study on the business climate "Doing Business". Mandessi Bell Lawfirm replies that it will be able, within the framework of its network of professionals of the time, to ensure the collection of these data in a few countries. This t is done and this professional work is appreciated as shown here-under ...

Yes, they trusted us ...


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