Ohada Legis Service Providing Space entails the following information
- the basic features of the services and products proposed,
- information on the price of these services and books in CFA Francs,
the legal tender in most Ohada member countries, in euros and US dollar, and where necessary, taxes included. However, the dollar will be the one appearing during the payments through Paypal because of the software used but the money debited will be in the currency of the payment gate;
- and also, where applicable, the additional costs not included in the
said prices,
- information on the terms and conditions of payment, of supply of the
services and of delivery of the products.
Before ordering, please read carefully all this
In the coming paragraphs, the following words and phrases shall have
the following meaning :
- " distance contract " : any agreement
for the supply of professional services and the sale of documents and books concluded between
Ohada Legis and the Internaut in the framework of a system of electronic
mail order selling exclusively using the internet up to the conclusion
of the agreement, such conclusion included ;
- " order form " : the form describing
the features of the service(s) or product(s) ordered by the Internaut,
which shall be signed by him/her with a single click (Paypal payment system) or a double click (other payment methods);
- " order " :
the step taken by the Internaut to buy a service or a product ;
- " double-click " : the confirmation
by the Internaut of the Order Form
as follows : "Please
confirm by clicking on the link hereunder that you actually want to
order the service(s)/product(s) mentioned in the Order Form you have
just filled".
Article 1. Purpose
of the Contract
The purpose of this distance Contract is to set up the rights and obligations
of the parties in the framework of the supply of services and the sale
of products to be executed in Ohada Legis Service providing Space.
Article 2. Contractual instruments
This contract shall include the following instruments in decreasing
order with regard to their legal value :
- these General Conditions,
- the Order Form used by the Internaut.
Article 3. Ordering procedure
line legal opinions and services are ordered by using the various
on line Order Forms (some related to conventional bank payments, Paypal payment system
or Western Union payment system).
3.2. Any
Order Form signed by the Internaut either by a "single click" or " double clicking " as mentioned hereabove is an irrevocable acceptance which may be challenged
only within the limits of the events provided for in article 4 of this
Contract here under, relating to the fulfillment of orders.
Article 4. Order fulfilling
orders shall be fulfilled latest :
4.1. The orders given shall be fulfilled latest :
- for the on-line products of the Ebookshop (legal opinions, books and articles of association on line) :
almost instantly after ordering : in the event of secured payment through Paypal (click here for more information),
. after checking if the payment was made : with all other standard bank payment methods (transfers and cheques) or with expres cash transfers such as those sent through Western Union or Moneygram (click here for more information);
- on the date indicated in the estimate,
for the services supplied on the basis of estimates.
4.2. The business hours and days are :
- Business days : Monday trough Friday,
the following public holidays being excluded :
Civil public holidays :
- New Year (January 1rst)
- Youth Day (February 11)
- Labour Day (May 1rst)
- National Day (May 20)
Religious public holidays :
- Ascension - Good Friday
- Assumption (August 15)
- Christmas (December 25)
- End of Ramadan (Djouldé Soumaé)
- Tabaski (Fête du Mouton) (Djouldé Laïhadji).
NB. When a religious public
holiday falls on a Sunday, the following day may also be declared a
public holiday. The same applies if it falls on a friday or a tuesday
: the previous day or the subsequent day may be declared a public holiday.
Business hours : 8 AM- 12.30 AM 2.30 PM-4 PM (GMT time + 1 h.
If applicable in your country, take into account time readjustment in
summer ).
4.3. If we are unable to deliver within the time-limit mentioned because
of circumstances out of our control, the Internaut shall be informed
as soon as possible and be given another date of delivery or have his/her
money back.
Article 5. Delivery
5.1. Delivery or access to the documents shall take place :
- almost immediately after the ordering procedure by file downloading : in the event of payment of the Ebookshop products by Paypal payment system,
- after checking if the payment was made by the internaut, by on-line downloading of the files concerned, or the files are sent to the email indicated in the order-form,
- following the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties in the event of professional services delivered after an estimate.
5.2. For security reasons, the files related to the products ordered may be accessed only with (code(s) which are personnally sent to the beneficiary of the order.
Article 6. Warranty
6.1. The services and products supplied are the result of rigorous handling and management.
Our warranty implies that :
- the services or the products ordered shall be in accordance with their
- the terms for fulfilling orders, for delivery and for making the documents
available on line shall be respected.
6.2. We cannot be liable for any postponement resulting from circumstances
beyond our control (notably acts of God).
Article 7. Prices
The price of services and books is indicated in CFA Francs which
is the legal tender in most Ohada member countries, in Euros and in US dollar as recalled here-above. When it includes
Value Added Tax (VAT), this is indicated. It is then the VAT on the
ordering date. Any change in the rate which may occur before the delivery
shall automatically be included in the-said prices.
Article 8. Terms of payment
8.1. The Internaut shall make the payment relating to his/her order
- for the
On Line products of the Ebookshop,
cash :
. through Paypal secured payment system,
. or at a Western Union Agent office located in his/her country of residence in favour of Ohada Legis to Western Union local Agent in Cameroon,
. or by express
bank transfer in favour of Cabinet Mandessi Bell/Ohada Legis (we will
then provide you with our banking information in Douala):
- for the Professional Service, 40%
of the amount upon ordering and 60% before delivery, by certifed cheque
or bank transfer in favour of
Cabinet Mandessi Bell/Ohada Legis as indicated here-above, or by card payment through or out of Paypal secured payment system or by expres cash transfers (such as those sent through Western Union or Moneygram). (For more information on How to pay Ohada Legis products or services click here).
8.2. An invoice shall be sent upon delivery.
Article 9. Utilization of the services
and products of the Service Providing-Space
The services and products supplied in the framework of this Service
Providing Space are delivered for a personal use. They cannot be reproduced,
copied, sold, sold again, or exploited for a commercial purpose whatsoever,
notably in web sites or otherwise. Any utilization to ends other than
the one indicated here-above shall give rise to the institution of lawsuits.
Article 10. Personal information
The personal informations asked from the Internaut are necessary for
the handling of the orders and shall exclusively be used to this end.
They may, where necessary, be sent to our partners in charge of the
handling of the Secured Payment
Space, if the Internaut has to have access to these
Article 11. Electronic signature
The "single"(Paypal payment system) or "double click " (other types of payments) upon ordering shall constitute the electronic signature
which shall have, between the parties, the same value as a hand-written
signature in the order forms sent by email.
Article 12. Complaints
Claims relating to orders fulfilled shall be sent on the Form provided
for this purpose under the headings Claims relating
to fulfilled orders , latest, 7 (seven) days after the documents
have been delivered or made available on line.
Article 13. Cryptology
We warranty that if we happen to use any means or service relating to
cryptology to make the transactions related to the supply of our products
and services more secure, this shall be done in compliance with the
laws in force.
Article 14. Evidence
The communications, orders and payments which occured between the parties
shall be registered in computerized registers kept as evidence in Ohada
Legis computers in appropriate and secure conditions.
Article 15. Conservation
and filing of the transactions
The filing of Order Forms and Invoices in the framework of the business
relations occuring in our Service Providing Space shall be made on a
reliable equipment so as to keep an accurate and long-lasting copy.
Article 16. Scope
of the Contract - Waiver
These General Conditions constitute all the parties'obligations. The
fact that Ohada Legis did not avail itself of a failure from the Internaut
to fulfill one of his/her obligations under this Contract shall not
be deemed to be a waiver thereof.
Article 17. Laws
governing the Contract - Competent courts
17.1. Any dispute which may arise between the parties in the framework
of this Contract shall first try to be settled amicably, on the initiative
of the promptest party.
17.2. In the event of persisting disagreement between the parties, the
dispute shall be settled by the competent courts in Douala, Cameroon which shall
implement Cameroonian law.
Article 18. Change
in the General Sales Conditions
The present sales conditions may be modified from time to time. The
Internaut is therefore invited to read them before ordering to make
sure he/she is aware of the latest version.
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